Echoes in the Bayou Read online

Page 12

  Ava squeezed his hand, she knew that Magnus was worried about her and she wanted him to know that despite a few bruises and being covered in mud, John DuPonte had not hurt her.

  "How are we going to do that with them here?" He asked nodding his head in the direction of Gavin and Melanie. The two stood oblivious to the other occupants and ignored the conversation they were having. It was quite clear that whatever had just happened to Ava did not bother them in the least bit.

  "Mister Magnus, we needs 'dem for 'da séance. The more folks we's got the better chance we's got to call upon 'dem We's got to let's 'dem see that Will still here and he aint goin nowhere's 'til he wit Celeste. Will and Celeste got to fight Miss Amelia and Mister DuPonte, that the only way. Gots to send dem backs to through 'da veil, back to da underworld where they belongs."

  Ava was sitting up now and all of her attention was focused on Sinta. "Sinta, how do we know that Amelia is still here as well? I mean, she's never manifested herself so how can we be sure?"

  "Oh Miss Amelia is here alright Miss Ava. She 'da reason Mister DuPonte come after you so hard. She gots a strong hold oer' Mister DuPonte too, 'cept Mister DuPonte like it. He like being under her control cuz it all a part of destroying you Miss Ava."

  "Okay Sinta, how are we going to convince the love birds over there to participate huh? They aren’t exactly interested in what's going on," she questioned the old woman.

  "Now you's just leaves 'dat to me Mister Magnus, Miss Ava. You gon' on upstairs and get yourself cleaned up and by the time you come back down 'dem two be ready and willing to participate, no off you go."

  While she went upstairs, Sinta and Magnus made their way over to the couple and by the time Ava had returned mud free but still a bit sore, only Gavin had agreed to partake in the séance. "Of course I'll help Ava, you know how much I love this kind of stuff," Gavin spoke out. Melanie just looked at him and rolled her eyes, she was to have no part in it. He was cheerful, a little too cheerful and Ava wanted to know why.

  "Magnus here invited us to stay the night," he said and patted him on the shoulder.

  Ava swiftly turned towards the two of them. "Magnus, Sinta can I see the two of you in the kitchen please?" She requested.

  Ava kept her voice lowered and asked the two of them if they had succumbed to some kind of mind control. "What the hell would possess you to ask them to stay?" Ava argued.

  "If you haven’t noticed, the road out is flooded Ava, and we need them for the séance tonight," Magnus replied.

  Ava crossed her arms and pouted, she looked like a kid who'd just been told they can't go out to play. Magnus fought hard not to smile, he loved the way her lips curved into that luscious pout. "Well I don’t want them staying anywhere on the second floor, and keep them away from me," she insisted and started to walk away. Magnus stopped her. "Ava, it's only for the night. Once the rain subsides the road will be passable. And you needn’t worry about them staying on the second floor, I've put them in the guest bedroom down here," he said and still held onto her.

  "Good because after this séance, I want to do nothing but sleep," she said and rested her head on his shoulder.

  "You and me both," he rubbed the small of her back. Ava had to admit, she couldn’t wait for things to get back to normal. Hell, she didn’t even know what normal was. The first day that she arrived at the plantation something supernatural happened, and it more than took her by surprise. She wondered what life with Magnus was like without the haunted plantation and the presence of ghosts.

  He must have known what she was thinking for he smiled at her and told her that soon, he hoped that it would all be over.

  It was the perfect day for a séance, it was still raining and the storm clouds hovered over the plantation in long stretches.

  "It too early for 'da séance Miss Ava, you and Mister Magnus need some rest first. After dinner we's have the séance, gots to be good and dark for 'da séance," she convinced the two.

  "You don’t have to tell me twice," Ava said and took hold of Magnus as the two headed up the stairs.

  "Where the hell are you two going?" Gavin shouted out. "I thought we were going to have a séance?"

  "Sinta, would you please explain to our guests what you just explained to us?" Magnus asked as the two continued walking up the stairs hand in hand.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "Get some sleep Ava," Magnus said and kissed her gently on the lips. The warmth from his kiss reached deep inside of her and she basked in its afterglow. When she didn’t pull away, he kissed her again, this time with more passion. "Come inside," she breathlessly said the words as she led him through the doorway making sure to lock the door behind her.

  They stood for a moment in front of the bed holding each other close; the rain fell steady now and poured down the windows like tears falling from the sky. With each boom of thunder, her heart raced as he kissed her lips once again. "Ava, what are we doing?" He asked, his hands softly caressed the side of her face down to her neck. She leaned her head back and relished in the pleasure. She wanted to feel his lips on her, and the soft kisses he was delivering to her neck sent chills up and down her spine.

  "Hmmm?" Was all that she could manage as she guided his hands underneath the tank that she was wearing. His tongue grew wild inside her mouth and then to her surprise he pulled away. His eyes had that familiar glow to them and for a moment she wasn’t sure if it was Magnus or Will.

  "Ava, lie down on the bed," he commanded. The tone of his voice was unmistakable, it was Magnus.

  She did as she was told and when she was lying down, he slowly removed his shirt. He was still wearing his tuxedo shirt and he stared at her while he unbuttoned each button. It was torture watching him slowly and seductively bare his chest. She wanted to cover his body with soft, wet kisses, run her tongue up and down the nape of his neck.

  When she reached out to touch him, he held her by the wrists. "Tell me what you want Ava," he said enticing her with his eyes.

  "I want you," she moaned and watched as he pulled her shorts off and tossed them across the room.

  Her body shuddered with anticipation as his fingers slowly caressed the outline of her lace panties. "No Ava keep your eyes open," he said. "I want you to watch me."

  Ava did as she was told and fought the impulse to close her eyes. She moaned as she felt a lone finger gently push away the lace fabric of her panties.

  For Magnus the pleasure was all his; he marveled at how responsive her body had become. The moment he touched her he could feel the sexual current start to flow between them.

  Ava opened herself to him as he tortuously began to slip off her panties. She arched her back and let her head rollback against the pillows, the desire was enough to drive her mad. "Ava keep your eyes on me." He stopped what he was doing for a moment and kissed her. His tongue lingered and played with her own as he ran his fingers between her thighs.

  A loud bang and the sound of shattering glass brought them out of their lustful encounter. At first, Magnus choose to ignore the sounds but when they heard the blood curdling screams that seemed to be coming just above them, he struggled into his clothes and rushed out the door. It didn’t take her long to get dressed but by the time Ava had found the group of them in the attic, it had been surmised that the screams were not from Melanie nor had they come from Sinta.

  "What the hell is going on?" She asked and gently pushed past Melanie and stepped further into the room. "Careful," Magnus said to her. "There's glass everywhere," he said looking at her bare feet.

  One of the attic windows had been broken from the inside out. "Who was screaming?" Ava curiously looked at Sinta and Melanie.

  "It wasn’t me or Miss Melanie, Miss Ava," Sinta said. The look she gave Ava said it all. Ava knew that the demonic screams had been from that of Amelia Montieu. "But why?" Ava asked. "Why now?"

  Sinta pulled Ava aside. "My guess is 'dat she don’t like seeing you's and Mister Magnus together."

  It took her only a second
to realize that Sinta was right, not only was Amelia angry at the fact that she was with Magnus, but she'd been with him in her son Will's old bedroom.

  "What have I stirred up?" Ava shook her head in disbelief.

  "Come on Miss Ava, let's get some food in y'all and then we's start the séance, we figure it all outs tonight."

  Ava and Magnus were about to leave the attic when he held her back. "I'm sorry about all this," he said. "I'd like to finish what I started though," he said with a sexy grin. "Maybe later on?"

  "Oh I fully intend to hold you to that," she winked at him before she made her way out of the large room. While he was putting away the broom a cold chill brushed by the back of his neck, and he hastily made his way towards the door. Just as he was about to shut and lock it, out of the corner of his eye he thought he caught a glimpse of a man and woman standing together. After a second look, they were gone.

  "So Ava, please tell us just what it is exactly that you've been up to during your stay here at Montieu Plantation," Gavin smirked while looking at both she and Magnus.

  "Forgive me for saying this, but it doesn't look like you've gotten much accomplished. I mean from what I saw on the way in, the front lawn could use some landscaping. Come to think of it, so could the rest of the property," he said in a business like tone.

  Now he directed his attention towards Magnus. "Now don’t get me wrong Mister DuPonte I mean you’ve got a nice piece of property here and you'd do well to take care of it. I know you’re a busy man which is why I sent Ava to you."

  "Yes, but what exactly has Ava done?" Melanie butted in. "You have a degree in interior design Ava but besides the sitting room, I don’t see your supposed expertise anywhere."

  Ava almost reached her boiling point, if there was anything about Melanie that still rang true, it was her extreme derision. Ava knew that whenever Melanie was derisive and just downright nasty, it was because she was jealous and upset. It's no longer fun now that the one you stole is beginning to ignore you, is it bitch? She thought to herself. Serves you right, you sanctimonious slut.

  "Actually Melanie, I've managed to get a lot accomplished here at the house and it will take a lot more time to get things the way that I want them to be. Please keep in mind that I'm not like you, I appreciate the historical value in things. I mean just think about it, this plantation has a history, it's walls hold stories, some that we can imagine and a lot that we can't. I wouldn’t want to just tear down a part of history, I mean I'm not the type to intentionally ruin anything, that's not me, never has been and never will and besides," she said swallowing a spoonful of gumbo. "If anyone has anything to say about my work or my progress, it would be Magnus so stop trying to interfere in things that you know nothing about," she said with an icy glare.

  "And I am more than satisfied with Miss Montgomery's work. She couldn’t have come here at a better time," he said with a smile.

  "I bet you are quite satisfied" Gavin replied with a leer.

  Magnus had had enough. "If you wouldn’t mind Gavin I'd like a word with you after dinner," he said and continued eating his meal.

  The rain had let up a bit but the wind continued blowing strong and while Ava and Sinta cleared away the dishes, Magnus took Gavin outside to the front porch. He needed to set him straight.

  "Looks like the storm is letting up," he said casually.

  "Yes it does, but I didn’t bring you out here for that Gavin."

  "What did you bring me out here for?" Gavin asked with a smug look on his face. He knew perfectly well what Magnus was going to say to him even though he wasn’t prepared to hear it.

  The thought of someone else wanting to be with Ava made his blood boil. He knew she had done nothing wrong when they were in the relationship but he cheated on her anyway. It wasn’t because she was lacking in the bedroom department either, it was simply because he'd gotten tired of being in a relationship. He wanted something new, something exciting and instead of breaking things off with her he decided to have an affair, and it wasn’t his fault that the woman he choose just happened to be her best friend Melanie.

  "Look Gavin, I know what you and Melanie did to Ava and I'd appreciate it if you would treat her with respect while you're in my house."

  "What are you talking about Magnus?"

  "Gavin that innocent act might work on Melanie but it doesn’t work on me, so let's stop with the bullshit. I am quite fond of Ava and I intend on having her in my life for a very long time. Now, you and she are over, you got what you wanted and that's good for you. But do not come into my house and think that you can disrespect her any more than you already have.

  I know everything Gavin and if I were you, I'd apologize to her for the way that this whole break up thing went down. Even though she's over you, she's not over what you and Melanie did to her so man up and apologize to her tonight, preferably before the séance," he said while looking him square in the eye.

  "We wouldn’t want any bad feelings being stirred up at the séance table now would we?" He turned and put his hand on the door handle. "Oh and you might want to relay my message to your girlfriend as well," he said turning around to look at him once more. Gavin had his head raised and was staring up at the graying clouds.

  "Nod so that I know you understand me."

  Gavin nodded and lowered his head in embarrassment.

  As he made his way back to the kitchen, Magnus smiled at Ava. "Everything alright?" She turned to him while drying her hands on the dish towel.

  "Yes it is," he said and kissed her on the lips. It was the first time they'd ever kissed in front of people. Sinta smiled broadly while Melanie, who had been filing her nails at the kitchen table mumbled something that no one heard or cared to comprehend.

  "If it wasn’t for this séance I'd take you upstairs right now," he whispered in her ear.

  "Sorry to interrupt you two," Gavin had come back inside. He thought about what he was going to say to Ava after Magnus left him alone and he was now ready to say it.

  "Ava can I talk to you outside for a moment," he nodded his head towards Magnus.

  Ava stared at him somberly. "What is it Gavin?" she asked annoyed that he would want to speak to her at all, let alone one on one.

  "Ava it's alright, go and talk with him," Magnus insisted and walked the two of them outside.

  "I'll be in the sitting room helping Sinta set up, you two take your time but Gavin," he said as he pulled him off to the side. "If she comes back in here upset, you and I are going to take a walk around the bayou and I guarantee that only one of us will return, and it won't be you."

  Outside on the front porch, Ava stood in a defensive stance with her arms and legs crossed, she wanted to block him from trying to enter her world; he was no longer allowed in it.

  "Ava I brought you out here because I wanted to apologize to you. I know that what me and Melanie did hurt you and I want you to know that I am very sorry."

  "Gavin, Magnus put you up to this didn’t he?" she asked warily.

  "Look Ava, what I… What we did to you was wrong, I mean I shouldn’t have ended things the way I did."

  "Oh I'm confused Gavin, do you mean you shouldn’t have been fucking your girlfriends best friend while at work or… that you should have ended things with me before the affair started? Which is it?" She said, her eyes ablaze with anger.

  Gavin tried putting his arms around her.

  "Don’t touch me Gavin," she said and moved further away.

  Gavin threw up his hands in surrender. "Ava I'm sorry, and I just wanted to tell you that. I'm sorry that I hurt you."

  "Gavin, I want to know what I did that drove you into the arms of my best friend." Her eyes had begun to tear up and all Gavin could think about was what Magnus had threatened to do to him if he upset her.

  "Ava you did nothing wrong, deep down you have got to know that," he said pleadingly. "It was all me, I was the one who got bored, not being with you but with being in a relationship. I thought that there was something more t
hat I wanted and then Melanie started flirting with me and well you know the rest. Ava I can't change what's happened but I can apologize for it and I'm not asking you to forgive me. I just want you to know that I am sorry that I hurt you and I hope that you find true happiness because you deserve it and I'm sorry about insulting you at dinner, I'm an idiot and it won't happen again."

  Did she hear true remorse in his words? Or was it simply because Magnus had obviously intimidated him into apologizing. If it was the latter, she wondered what he could have possibly said to get Gavin to make his apology appear so genuinely repentant.

  "Gavin, I have something to say but I need to say it to both you and Melanie so if you wouldn’t mind asking her to come out here," she spoke to him calmly.

  "In case you haven’t noticed Ava, there's a storm raging out here," Melanie said as she put on her jacket and held onto Gavin's arm, it looked as if she thought Ava was going to steal him away. Ava snickered out loud at the thought. Although Gavin was quite attractive, his arrogant attitude now left a lot to be desired. She can have him, Ava thought to herself.

  "Ava, what is it that you have to say?" Melanie said. She was peeved now because she wasn’t able to flirt with Magnus, Gavin had called her out onto the porch.

  "I called you out here Melanie because I wanted to let the both of you know that the moment you leave this house, I will forget about the two of you and never think about you again. But you two will think about what you did to me each and every moment the entire time that you are together and I'm sure for a long time after that. Especially you Melanie, you were supposed to be my best friend, you've betrayed me beyond words. But I still hope that you will never have to go through what I went through when I saw you underneath him," she said and looked at Gavin with disgust.

  "Ava…" Gavin reached out to her.

  Ava turned her back on the both of them. "That's all I have to say, you can go back inside now and Melanie? Magnus isn’t interested," She said and watched as they headed back inside.

  The rain had slowed to a drizzle and made the softest sound as she sat in one of the oversized rocking chairs that lined the enormous porch. A violent wind blew through the porch causing her to shiver.